Add a Spanish to Spanish Dictionary on your Kindle

I’ve recently started reading in Spanish on my Kindle. As a Harry Potter fan, my first Spanish book purchase was, of course, Harry Potter book 1 (la Piedra Filosofal). Reading on a Kindle makes it effortless to look up definitions of new words.

The book Fluent Forever by Gabriel Wyner suggested that a great way to take your language learning to the next level is to read in your target language. If you are also looking to supercharge your language learning, it’s best to use a dictionary that is in your target language. In my case, I should be using a Spanish-to-Spanish dictionary when reading a book in Spanish.

Just tap and hold on any word to get the definition with a Kindle. It couldn’t be easier to build your vocabulary!

Your Kindle will not automatically download the foreign language dictionary when highlighting words for definition in a non-English book. In order to have your Kindle download your dictionary in your target language, you have to set the system language of your Kindle to your target language. Once you do that, your Kindle will automatically install the dictionary. The dictionaries are free.

How to change the default language of your Kindle to your target language

Once you apply your language selection and your Kindle restarts, it will download the Spanish-to-Spanish dictionary! You can see it if you go to Settings > Language and Dictionaries > Dictionaries

One final note is that your Kindle will now automatically select either the English or the Spanish dictionary depending on the language of your book.



