There are a lot of new vocabulary words used to describe the Coronavirus pandemic that I’ve encountered by reading the news in Spanish. In this post, I will highlight the words I have encountered most frequently.
A lot of the vocabulary comes from reading the El Times Newsletter which is a free weekly email newsletter from the New York Times in Spanish. I highly recommend subscribing to it as it’s a great source to stay current on the news and to increase your Spanish vocabulary.
The vocabulary words will be followed by a picture. This is a learning technique I picked up from reading the book Fluent Forever: How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It. The idea is that attaching vocabulary words to a picture enhances one’s ability to remember the word.
La Mascarilla
La Cuarentena
La Pandemia
Trabajar desde casa
El Distanciamiento Social
Más contagios
Ejemplo: Ha habido más contagios recientemente
La Vacuna
Enfermó de Coronavirus
Ejemplo: Dejar de propagar el coronavirus
Propagar translates to spread so the image is capturing the literal translation.
Los Sintomas
La Fiebre
La Tos
Gel antibacterial
Espero que hayas aprendido algunas palabras nuevas. Por favor, dejes un comentario a continuación si crees que hay otras palabras de vocabulario que consideras importantes.